Looking for local foods fresh from Minnesota Grown farms? If you represent a restaurant, school, grocer, co-op, or other wholesale account, use this online Wholesale Directory to find local farmers and producers!
The Wholesale Directory makes it easy to find producers close to your business.
- Search producers by location to find producers near you by city or zip code.
- Search by keyword if you have a specific product or farm you are looking to build a purchasing relationship with.
Your search results will display all Minnesota Grown Wholesale members who meet the specified criteria. Click on the individual farm page to learn more about their wholesale offerings and contact the farm directly.
Who should use the Wholesale Directory?
Food Service
Local food sourcing can build excitement and drive sales at your food service establishment--from a school cafeteria to a local restaurant. Our members operate at a variety of sizes and in a diverse range of product categories, so you can find producers that can fit your specific needs.
Retailers like grocery stores, co-ops, and even specialty stores play an important role connecting our producers to consumers. Use our Wholesale Directory increase and diversify the Minnesota Grown products you carry. We also have resources to help you promote, from shelf-talkers to our Retailer of the Year contest!
Food Makers
Finding locally grown ingredients for your food product has never been easier! Whether you’re making salsa, granola, or craft beer, adding Minnesota Grown ingredients can set your brand apart and add value to your marketing strategy. Your product may even be eligible for our labeling license.
Learning more about our member producers can introduce you to new vendors to add to your own product list for wholesale buyers. Currently, only Minnesota Grown members are listed in our Wholesale Directory, but we welcome feedback about how we can support distributors in making local food connections.
Should my farm be listed in the Wholesale Directory?
The Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory is a database of farmers who market to restaurants, schools, grocers, and other wholesale accounts. Minnesota Grown members can be added to this directory for free. Learn if the Wholesale Directory is right for you and your farm by visiting our Wholesale Directory Q & A page.
Questions or Comments
Email Minnesota Grown at mngrown.mda@state.mn.us with any questions or comments about the Wholesale Directory.