Order Marketing Materials
Marketing items are available free to Minnesota Grown members and retailers and wholesalers who purchase and feature products from licensed growers.
Not a member? Click here to learn more about membership and how to join. If you recently applied as a new member, please wait to submit an order until after you have received your welcome packet. This welcome packet will include samples of marketing materials to help you decide which work best for your business and avoid waste.
How to order: to view and order the items within the categories, check the box. Check multiple boxes to view and order from multiple categories. Do not uncheck the category boxes after you have selected your products, as this will delete your ordered quantities. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to type your name and address and click submit. You will receive a confirmation screen and email. Please contact mngrown.mda@state.mn.us if you do not receive your items within two weeks.
Making your own printed labels or permanent signage? Check the Cost Share Program to see if your project qualifies for 50% reimbursement, up to $300 per member!
Interested in ordering more than the maximum order quantities? Additional quantities may be available for purchase. Contact Mallory at mallory.forseth@state.mn.us to inquire.
We fulfill orders weekly. You should expect to receive your order within two weeks.