Located on Lake Dr (N of Main St). Explore our Garden Center to find new & unique varieties of blooming annuals, lasting perennials & shrubs, thriving herbs & vegetable starts as well as our old favorites. Be inspired by our creative mixed containers. We are a family friendly farm. We accept all major credit cards. Open Apr 9-Oct 31. Closed Tuesdays, check website for hours as they change monthly.
Waldoch Farm Garden Center
City: Lino Lakes
Identity: Woman-Owned
Products: Bedding Plants (annuals/perennials), Hostas (see also Bedding Plants), Nursery Stock, Vegetable Plants, Seed, Peonies, Herbs, Shrubs, Honey, Mulch, Compost/Soil Amendments, Ornamental Grasses, Straw/Hay Bales, Hanging Baskets, Mums (see also Bedding Plants), Fall Decor (shocks, bales, gourds...)