At The Kettle Run, we specialize in cultivating native and sustainable fruits and forage. The Kettle Run is owned and operated by a Minnesota State Master Naturalist, so we work closely with nature. From mushrooms, to spices, fruits and teas, we have fresh and dried kettle ready ingredients for you. Take a class on our farm as we explore all Minnesota has to offer. Our ducks are pasture raised and lay daily, and are ready to work your orchards for you!
The Kettle Run
City: Kettle River
Identity: Woman-Owned
Products: Rhubarb, Native Plants (trees/shrubs/grasses), Eggs (Duck), Strawberries, Peas, Events/Activities (on farm), Herbs, Cherries, Dried Herbs, Spices, & Seasoning Blends, Elderberries, Pet Treats, Chard, Currants, Event Space (Wedding Rental, etc), Plums, Pick Your Own (PYO), Blueberries, Fruit Syrup, Honeyberries/Haskaps, Greens/Lettuce, Workshops/Classes/Presentations, Microgreens