Welcome to T Berries! We have U pick and pre-picked strawberries & raspberries. We also have vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, etc, along with jams & sauerkraut. Our hours during strawberry season are 7am-6 pm (unless picked out) Monday-Saturday, the rest of the year is by appointment. We are closed Sundays. This year we’ll also have fresh asparagus and hard neck garlic for sale! Please “like” T Berries on Facebook for updates.
T Berries
City: Avon
Products: Garlic, Herbs, Melons, Jam/Jelly/Spreadable Fruit, Onions, Broccoli, Potatoes, Garden Produce, Raspberries (Summer-bearing), Beets, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Cabbage, Beans, Strawberries, Canned Goods, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Pick Your Own (PYO)