We sell vegetables, herbs and flowers that are grown without chemicals or pesticides. We offer a 16-week vegetable CSA, and a 12-week flower subscription, with pick-up locations at the farm and in Duluth. We operate a farmstand onsite on Fridays July-Oct. We are community-focused and invite the public to the farm for various events throughout the growing season. We are a Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certified (MAWQC) farm.
Rising Phoenix Community Farm
City: Barnum
Special Categories and Certifications: Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certified, CSA - Community Supported Ag Farm
Identity: Woman-Owned
Products: Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Beets, Farm Stand, Rutabagas, Garlic, Flowers (cut), Cabbage, Microgreens, Spinach, Greens/Lettuce, Flowers (dried), Eggplant, Events/Activities (on farm), Turnips, Melons, Pumpkins, Kohlrabi, Bok Choi, Zucchini, Onions, Herbs, Tomatoes (Heirloom), Cauliflower, Peppers, Broccoli, Fall Decor (shocks, bales, gourds...), Chard, Beans, Potatoes, Gourds, Leeks, Kale, Carrots, Squash, Wreaths, Broom Corn, Radishes