Find your way through the 7-acre corn maze, climb the hay castle for an aerial view, beckon the farm animals, take a relaxing hayride to view fall colors and pick-out the perfect pumpkin & other select produce for consumption/fall decor, among other activities. The maze is located 2mi S of Park Rapids on Cty Rd 6. Special Spooktacular fundraiser for the Father Project one night each season. See Facebook for updates on corn maze, produce, prices & hours.
Pike’s Corn Maze
City: Park Rapids
Products: Pumpkins, Straw/Hay Bales, Crop Maze or Labyrinth, Petting Zoo, Cucumbers, Wagon/Hay Rides, Peppers, Fall Decor (shocks, bales, gourds...), Squash, Farm Stand, Tomatoes, Dried Beans / Legumes / Pulses