We offer a wide variety of traditional and hybrid fruits and vegetables, mostly chemical-free, weeded and harvested by hand. We grow apples, sweet corn, tomatoes, berries, melons, greens, etc. which we sell at Farmers Markets and at our roadside stand that opens daily July-October. October: daily U-pick pumpkins & corn maze, and weekend U-pick apples & free hayrides. Wholesale & retail. We speak Spanish. Mid-July-Oct Mon-Fri 11a-6:00-pm, Sat-Sun 9a-6:00pm
Peter’s Pumpkins & Carmen’s Corn
City: Shakopee
Products: Melons, Sweet Corn, Straw/Hay Bales, Canned Goods, Onions, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Fall Decor (shocks, bales, gourds...), Peppers, Flowers (cut), Eggplant, Leeks, Apples, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Mums (see also Bedding Plants), Raspberries (Fall-bearing), Carrots, Raspberries (Summer-bearing), Popcorn, Wagon/Hay Rides, Farm Stand, Cucumbers, Rhubarb, Jam/Jelly/Spreadable Fruit, Peas, Pick Your Own (PYO), Garlic, Strawberries, Pears, Kohlrabi, Greens/Lettuce, Squash, Plums, Tomatoes (Heirloom)