Our primary business is growing and selling high quality, unique and hard to find hostas and perennials. Additionally, we grow, sell, and preserve produce (specializing in delicious pickle flavors), cut flowers, provide a bouquet CSA subscription, and raise bees for honey.
Lazy Toad Farm
City: Clearwater
Special Categories and Certifications: CSA - Community Supported Ag Farm
Identity: LGBTQIA+ Owned
Products: Wildflowers, Heirloom Plants, Bakery Products, Canned Goods, Honey, Farm Stand, Maple Syrup, Events/Activities (on farm), Bedding Plants (annuals/perennials), Jam/Jelly/Spreadable Fruit, Other Fresh Produce, Flowers (cut), Workshops/Classes/Presentations, Flowers (dried), Hostas (see also Bedding Plants), Nursery Stock, Vegetable Plants