Greenhouse & produce sales outlet located 2mi N of Hollandale on Cty Rd 28, then 1/4mi W on second gravel road (watch for signs). Greenhouse sales: bedding plants, vegetable plants, perennials, hanging baskets, foliage & aquatic plants. Produce sales: cole crops, asparagus, hot & sweet peppers, melons, strawberries, sweet corn, squash & more. Family operated with 100% locally grown plants & produce. Apr-Nov: Mon-Sat 9a-5p.
Hilltop Greenhouse & Farm
City: Ellendale
Special Categories and Certifications: Accepts SNAP/EBT, CSA - Community Supported Ag Farm
Identity: Woman-Owned
Products: Onions, Broccoli, Kale, Peppers, Garden Produce, Zucchini, Potatoes, Cabbage, Squash, Vegetable Plants, Tomatoes, Kohlrabi, Beans, Bedding Plants (annuals/perennials), Hanging Baskets, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Tomatoes (Heirloom), Melons, Herbs, Farm Stand