Goldenrod Market Garden is the answer to your questions about food quality and safety. When you buy from Andy and Whitney, you’ll know exactly where your food comes from and that it’s grown with care. Sign up for Goldenrod’s CSA share and get a variety of a dozen produce items, weekly or biweekly June-October! Nutrient-rich, value-priced, and delivered to a site near you! Thank you for supporting local growers and creating a more resilient food system!
Goldenrod Market Garden
City: Ogilvie
Special Categories and Certifications: CSA - Community Supported Ag Farm
Products: Garlic, Garden Produce, Bok Choi, Greens/Lettuce, Beets, Melons, Cabbage, Onions, Eggplant, Peppers, Peas, Tomatoes, Tomatoes (Heirloom), Beans, Herbs, Leeks, Carrots, Broccoli, Microgreens