Many different types of fruits & vegetables grown on the farm. Most vegetables grown in high tunnels or hydroponics. We also have grapes for sale. Call ahead for appointment. PYO strawberries & raspberries or we pick. Netted & weed free. Strawberries & raspberries also grown in high tunnels so you can pick rain or shine! Seasonal: Daily: 8a-4p. Strawberries from May 15-Oct 1, all grown in tubes off the ground. Sweet corn u-pick or I pick.
Fertile Vineyard & Farm
City: Fertile
Products: Greens/Lettuce, Beets, Onions, Tomatoes (Heirloom), Peppers, Apples, Raspberries (Summer-bearing), Beans, Strawberries, Carrots, Sweet Corn, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Grapes, Garden Produce