Located 3/4mi W of Hwy 52 & Hwy 58 junction on Cty Rd 10. Watch for farm sign. Straw bales & corn stalk Bundles in season. Round bales of hay. Farm raised beef 1/2 & 1/4 are custom processed & shrink wrapped in a USDA inspected plant. Certified MN Quality beef producer. Also providing roto-tilling, weed & small brush mowing, custom round baling. Tours by appt. Beef avail yr-round. Produce honor stand open Sep-Oct: 8a-6p. Visit us on Facebook!
Bridgeview Farms
City: Zumbrota
Special Categories and Certifications: Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Certified
Products: Beef, Straw/Hay Bales, Fall Decor (shocks, bales, gourds...)