Choose Minnesota Grown Garlic

Harvest like a pro:
Harvesting too early will result in small bulbs. Harvesting too late will result in cloves popping out of bulbs. -UMN
Depending on variety and climate zone, harvest garlic between late June and late July. -UMN
Begin harvesting when the lower leaves turn brown and when half or slightly more than half of the upper leaves remain green. Alternatively, you can pull a few bulbs and cut them in half. If the cloves fill the skins, then the bulbs are ready to harvest. -UMN
Harvest the garlic plants with shoots and bulbs attached. Knock off any large clumps of soil. -UMN
Put the plants in a warm, dry, airy place for three to four weeks to cure. This will dry the sheaths surrounding the bulbs, as well as the shoots and roots. -UMN
After curing, cut the shoots one-half to one inch above the bulbs and the roots trimmed close to the bulb base. -UMN
You can save garlic cloves from one crop to the next. Keep the biggest one for planting the following year. -UMN