Love local with Minnesota Grown chicken!
Cook like a pro:
Don't overcook
Overcooking leads to dry and flavorless meat. When roasting, look for juices to run clear to indicate that it is done. Cooking chicken breasts in a pan? Cook 5 to 7 minutes on each side over medium heat. In both cases wait until the center reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Opt for whole
Buying the whole chicken not only saves money on your end, but makes sure that meat doesn't go to waste. It is also easier than you think! Coat with butter and spices and roast for a mouthwatering meal.
Utilize everything
After you've carved the chicken and eating the delicious meat, use the bones to make broth. Add your chicken carcass, onion, carrot, parsley, celery, salt and pepper to a pot. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer for four hours. Strain, saving the liquid, and freeze.