We are happy to announce a new and improved MinnesotaGrown.com! To increase visits to member pages, the new website offers faster loading times, easier navigation, and a mobile friendly experience.
There are several exciting new features as well. One feature is our new search option, “Explore”, which lets users enter their starting location and ending location for their drive. The map then displays all Minnesota Grown members within 10 miles on either side of the road along that route. This will help visitors discover something new nearby or on their way to Grandma’s house!
Another new feature is that search results now have a preview photo for each member, and “Farm Alerts” are being piloted that will allow you to post temporary notices within your online listing. Lastly, to push the public more quickly farm and market information, we have moved Minnesota Grown membership information and member resources to the footer of the new website. This leaves the search function above more prominent and faster to find for general public users.
We are still making a few improvements with our website developers, but look for Danielle to send an update soon with ways you can maximize your farm’s presence on the new site!