Roadside stand off of Hwy 61, 1mi E on 170th, N of Hugo. Homegrown produce picked daily. We pick fresh rhubarb, lettuce, cabbage, beets, potatoes, pickling cucumbers, sweet corn, tomatoes, dill, onions, hot/sweet peppers, squash, herbs, eggplant, leeks, carrots, kohlrabi, etc. Join our CSA & receive a share of fresh veggies wkly Jun-Oct. Visit our greenhouse in the spring for bedding plants/annuals. May-Jun 30: Daily 9a-7p. Produce: Jul-Oct: 10a-7p.
Niemczyk’s Greenhouse & Gardens
City: Hugo
Special Categories and Certifications: CSA - Community Supported Ag Farm
Products: Carrots, Sweet Corn, Leeks, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Greens/Lettuce, Bedding Plants (annuals/perennials), Onions, Herbs, Peppers, Beets, Potatoes, Cabbage, Rhubarb, Eggplant, Squash, Kohlrabi