Who can be listed in the Wholesale Directory?
Minnesota Grown Members who market their products to wholesale accounts such as restaurants, grocers, schools, and other institutions are invited to participate. Become a Minnesota Grown Member Here.
Does it matter how many accounts I service or how big my farm is?
No. Wholesale accounts come in all sizes. Some are small accounts that prefer deliveries from farmers through the back door; others are much larger and only work through distributors. The important thing is that you'll have the opportunity to describe your business and products in enough detail so that buyers can identify which farms are appropriate for them to contact.
What information can I include in my listing?
You can share the following information about your farm and wholesale business through our directory:
- Business Description: Describe your business and products—(e.g. size of your business, quantity of product sold, number of acres, types of markets you sell to, products that you wish to highlight, any special features of your business that you want potential buyers to know, etc.)
- Business Experience: Describe your level of experience as a wholesale producer—(e.g. years of farming, any examples of current or previous accounts that you wish to note, years selling to wholesale markets, etc.)
- Distribution Detail: Describe delivery/shipping/packing/scale options—(e.g. what geographic areas you service, minimum/maximum product quantities, list distributors that carry your product (if applicable). Do you deliver direct to the store/restaurant, ship via distributor(s), UPS, FedEx, other, etc.)?
- Liability Insurance Level
- Third Party Certifications (GAP, USDA Organic, etc.)
- For more information and recommendations on maximizing your wholesale listing, review these Wholesale Directory Listing Requirements and Guidelines.
Buyers will be able to search based on all of these items. The goal is to make it easy for buyers to contact suppliers who meet their criteria. Once you provide the basic information, we'll invite you to submit photos and logos to make your listing more attractive.
Items marketed directly to consumers can only be listed in the Minnesota Grown Direct-to-Consumer Directory. You can have both a direct-to-consumer directory listing and a wholesale directory listing.
How much does it cost to have a wholesale directory listing?
A listing in the Minnesota Grown Wholesale directory is free for businesses who are already members of Minnesota Grown and intend to sell to wholesale accounts, beyond direct-to-customer sales.
Do I have to be a Minnesota Grown member to be listed in the Wholesale Directory?
Yes. If you’re not currently a Minnesota Grown member, you must become a member to be listed in our wholesale directory.
Membership in Minnesota Grown has two cost levels. All members must pay $20 for the annual logo license. At that time, members can choose to purchase an additional $40 listing in our Minnesota Grown Direct-to-Consumer Directory (a total of $60).
A Wholesale Directory listing is currently free to add to either level of membership.
How do I become listed?
If you’re already a Minnesota Grown member, you can add a wholesale listing as part of your annual license renewal. View the FAQ section of our Renew page for step-by-step instructions for adding a wholesale listing when you renew online. Current members can also add a wholesale listing by completing our Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory Application Form and submitting it to mngrown.mda@state.mn.us.
If you’re not already a Minnesota Grown member, you can add the wholesale directory listing as part of your member enrollment process online.
Do wholesale buyers have to pay to use the Minnesota Grown Wholesale Directory?
No. There are no fees for buyers to use the directory.
How can I learn more about selling into wholesale markets?
There are a variety of resources to support your wholesale marketing. Here are a few great places to start:
- Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture: Local Food Sales
- UMN Extension Farm to School Resource Hub
- Minnesota Cooks (focus on restaurant farm to table connections)
As you think about which market channels are right for you, consider conducting a Marketing Mix Analysis. This approach will help you understand how your marketing costs vary across market channels, and determine which outlet will help you meet the business and personal goals associated with your farming operation. You will also gain insights to help set your prices by marketing channel.
Depending on what records you have easily accessible, you could also evaluate your market outlets using Whole-Farm Records.
Are there plans to update the wholesale directory?
Yes! We are in the process of determining how we can improve this resource to best serve members and potential wholesale buyers. Please reach out to us if you’re interested in learning more or participating in this process!
What if I have questions?
Reach out to the Minnesota Grown team at 651-201-6140 or mngrown.mda@state.mn.us.